smiling Anna Pakuła.

Anna Pakuła

Junior Frontend Developer


I am going to make coding my full-time job. I have learnt the basics of programming from courses and currently I am still expanding my knowledge of JavaScript.

I like to solve puzzles and learn new things. In my free time I read books about personal growth so I could be more self-motivated and organized.

Currently learning: React.js

My skills

Working knowledge

  • Semantic HTML5
  • CSS3 (grid, flexbox)
  • Sass
  • BEM
  • JavaScript ES6+
  • JS: DOM manipulations
  • JS: Local storage
  • Fetch API
  • Git | GitHub

Know something about

  • Progressive Web Apps
  • CSS3 animations
  • React.js
  • npm scripts
  • Gulp
  • Accessibility
  • Figma
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • SQL
  • Python

Want to learn

  • React.js
  • TypeScript
  • GraphQL
  • WebSockets
  • Server Side Rendering
  • C#

Recent projects

I started my frontend developer path at the beginning of 2019. Since then, I’ve built some projects. Here’s the list of the things I’ve done so far, made with GitHub's API.